Thursday, October 24, 2013

To many thoughts...

Hey everyone long time no read. To many thoughts roaming through my head. I've got a story that's brewing and it's full of mythical mystery, I think. So far all I have is....... Moon child.... "Children of the moon here my cry. Laugh with me and I will never die. I see your pain and I sense your fear Daughters of the mine walk on two feet while Sons of mine walk on four. Both Daughters and Sons born of man you will be but blood of my blood you are still. Daughters to the realm of man I send you to protect hold and keep. Sons to the wild wilderness and forests of the world to help protect and defend. I watch over you both and lend you my love, call out to me to protect you in times of ill. Three days alone will you be for those days I can not see. I am your mother. I am your strength. I give you powers of good and love everlasting. Go forth into this world and shine my light. One weakness you have to the other of your soul they possess the power to always see the truth in you. Listen to my words and know them for truth you are born with these words to heed them and never forget." He heard the words every night before the moon rose. He knew that Artimis Goddess of the moon spoke to him and that made him a Son of the moon. He wished sometimes it wasn't more of a curse than a gift. be continued...............